
Important Dates:

  • Thursday, August 25: First day of Fall 2022 classes
  • Wednesday, August 31: Last day to add a course
  • Friday – Sunday September 2-4: No classes scheduled
  • Monday, September 5: College Closed – Labor Day Observed
  • Monday – Tuesday September 26-27: No classes scheduled
  • Thursday, September 29: Conversion day, classes follow Monday schedule
  • Tuesday- Wednesday October 4-5: No classes scheduled
  • Monday, October 10: College closed – No classes scheduled
  • Thursday-Friday November 24-25: College closed – No classes scheduled
  • Saturday-Sunday November 26-27: No classes scheduled
  • Tuesday, December 13: Last day of classes

The full academic calendar, including many other important dates, is available on the Office of the Registrar’s website.

Course Schedule:


Class Session 1: Thursday, August 25th

  • Course Introduction
  • Syllabus and CUNY Academic Commons Site
  • Reading and Note-taking Overview
  • Terminology

Class Session 2: Tuesday, August 30th
Sociopolitical Context

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Book Chapter: Nieto. (2017). Latinas/os and the Elusive Quest for Equal Education. In A Companion to Latina/o Studies (pp. 215–228). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
  2. Reports: Read the following quick reports from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families:

In-Class Texts:

  1. Documentary: Gold, & Sporn, P. (2021). Making the impossible possible: the story of Puerto Rican studies in Brooklyn College. Grito Productions.
  2. CUNY-NYSIEB Languages of New York State
  3. CUNY-NYSIEB New York State Department of Education Policies, Mandates, and Initiatives on the Education of English Language Learners
  4. New York City Department of Education Division of Multilingual Learners – Program Options
  5. New York City Graduation Rates Class of 2021 (2017 Cohort)
  6. New York City Department of Education – Division of Multilingual Learners 2020-2021 ELL Demographics At-a-Glance
  7. US Department of education chapter 6 tools and resources for addressing english learners with disabilities
  8. New York City Department of Education InfoHub – Demographic Snapshot (scroll to Demographic Snapshot to download the excel file with data)

Class Session 3: Thursday, September 1st
Learning from Latinx Children

Texts to Engage Before Class: Select one group and read the text(s) for that group.

Early Childhood & Elementary: 

  1. National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families – “The Early Home Environment of Latino Children: A Research Synthesis” Natasha J. Cabrera and Avery Hennigar
  2. Video clip: CUNY-NY State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals (CUNY-NYSIEB) Teacher Leader, Dr. Gladys Aponte, 4th Grade Lesson Clip: Why does Julia Alvarez use buen provecho? 

Middle Grade:

  1. Excerpt from a dissertation (chapters 1 and 3): Gonzalez, A. R. (2013). Under the `hood’: Poor and Working Class Black and Latino Boys in the Age of Obamerica. UC Berkeley. ProQuest ID: Gonzalez_berkeley_0028E_14048. Merritt ID: ark:/13030/m59k905p. Retrieved from
  2. Video: WNYC “Because I’m Latino, I Can’t Have Money?” Kids on Race 


  1. Book chapter “Schooling Immigrant Youth”: Bartlett, & García, O. (2011). Additive schooling in subtractive times: bilingual education and Dominican immigrant youth in the Heights. Vanderbilt University Press.
  2. Video: Teens Take Charge – Admissions and Exclusion: Black and Latino and New York City’s Specialized High Schools

In-Class Texts:

  1. Overview of Latinx Children’s Experience in a Middle School in NYC: Espana, Carla, “Escribiendo para desahogarme: Release and Resistance in a Middle School Bilingual Writing Workshop” (2017). CUNY Academic Works. 
  2. Excerpt (“How to Tame a Wild Tongue”): Anzaldúa, Cantú, N. E., & Hurtado, A. (2012). Borderlands/La frontera : the new mestiza (25th anniversary, fourth edition.). Aunt Lute Books.


Class Session 4: Tuesday, September 6th

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Journal article: “Transnational Renderings of Negro/a/x/*: Re-centering Blackness in AfroLatinidad” by Omaris Z. Zamora
  2. One of the following:
    • Media: The Root, “Afro-indigenous Poet Alan Pelaez Lopez Breaks Down Why Blackness is Radical in Latinidad”
    • Media: The Root, “Breaking Down the Anti-Blackness of Latinidad” with Felice León
    • Article: Buzzfeed, “Talking to My Family About Colorism is an Act of Self-Love” by Lilliam Rivera

Class Session 5: Thursday, September 8th
Prejudicial Treatment of Latinx Children

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Book chapter: Espinola, M., Zhen-Duan, J., Suarez-Cano, G., Mowry-Mora, I., Shultz, J.M. (2019). The Impact of US Sociopolitical Issues on the Prejudicial Treatment of Latino Children and Youth. In: Fitzgerald, H., Johnson, D., Qin, D., Villarruel, F., Norder, J. (eds) Handbook of Children and Prejudice. Springer, Cham.
  2. Book chapter: Jacobs, J. (2021). What Do You Mean, You Feel Latina?”: Use of Pan-Ethnic Identity Labels among Middle School Bilingual Youth. In M. Jiménez-Silva & J. Bempechat (Eds.). Latinx experiences in U.S. schools: voices of students, teachers, teacher educators, and education allies in challenging sociopolitical times (pp. 25-46). Lexington Books. Access on Blackboard announcement or here.

Discussion Guide here.

Class Session 6: Thursday, September 13th
Caribbean Identity Part One

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Article: Leonika Valcius. (2012). The Caribbean Diaspora and the Formation of Identity in Second Generation Immigrants. Caribbean Quilt, 1.
  2. Book chapter: Quintana, S.M., Benjamin, J.Z., Turan, N. (2022). Immigrant Identity Narratives: Youth Literacy Project. In: Johnson, D.J., Chuang, S.S., Glozman, J. (eds) Re/Formation and Identity. Advances in Immigrant Family Research. Springer, Cham.
  3. Video Series: CUNY Initiative on Immigration and Education: Supporting Immigrants in Schools

In-Class Texts:

  1. Interactive Map: NYC DOE Division of Multilingual Learners Community-Based Organizations that support our linguistically and culturally diverse families
  2. Scenes from the documentary “Culture Clash: Caribbean Children of Immigrant Parents”
  3. I Learn Library: Stories from immigrant youth in NYC

Class Session 7: Tuesday, September 15th
Caribbean Identity Part Two

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Article: Richards. (2014). Ethnic identity on display: West Indian youth and the creation of ethnic boundaries in high school. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(6), 978–997.

Class Session 6: Tuesday, September 20th

Reading Response Paper #1 Due
(On Blackboard Turn It In by 9 am)

Reading Response Paper Task and Rubric Here

  1. Sharing reading response papers.
  2. Discussing note-taking techniques, what worked from the reading response paper experience, and goals for the next paper.


Class Session 9: Thursday, September 22nd
Linguistic Diversity

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Vocal Fries podcast episode “Bilingualism Is. It Just Is.” interview with Nelson Flores and Jonathan Rosa 
  2. Site: NYC Department of Education Program Options for Bi/Multilingual Learners
  3. Video:  NYS English Language Learner Programs


Class Session 10: Tuesday, September 27th

Library Research Session Two with PRLS Library Liaison, Prof. Beth Evans 
Room 120 in the Library

Texts to Engage Before Class:

In-Class Texts:
Poet/Poems of the Day: Martín Espada, “Letter to My Father” and “After the Goose that Rose Like the God of Geese” (Poetry Unbound podcast episode)

Class Session 10: Tuesday, September 27th
Bilingual Education History in New York City

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Book chapter: “Bilingual Education and Puerto Rican Studies: From Vision to Reality” by Antonio Nadal and Milga Morales Nadal in Pérez y González, & Sánchez Korrol, V. (2021). Puerto Rican Studies in the City University of New York : the first 50 years(Pérez y González & V. Sánchez Korrol, Eds.). Centro Press.

In-Class Texts:

Media: Jiménez, Olmos, E. J., & Pantoja, A. (2009). Antonia Pantoja : ¡Presente! Distributed by Women Make Movies.

Our class does not meet on Thursday, September 29th.
Classes follow a MONDAY schedule.

Class Session 11: Thursday, October 4th
Beyond Bilingual Education in New York

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Book chapter: García, Zakharia, Z., & Otcu, B. (2018). Bilingual Community Education: Beyond Heritage Language Education and Bilingual Education in New York. In Bilingual Community Education and Multilingualism: Beyond Heritage Languages in a Global City (pp. 3–42). Multilingual Matters.

Class Session 12: Tuesday, October 6th
Bilingual Students Labeled as Disabled

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Article: Cioè-Peña. (2020). Raciolinguistics and the Education of Emergent Bilinguals Labeled as Disabled. The Urban Review, 53(3), 443–469.
  2. Article: Cioè-Peña. (2020). Bilingualism for students with disabilities, deficit or advantage?: Perspectives of Latinx mothers. Bilingual Research Journal, 43(3), 253–266.

Class Session 13: Thursday, October 11th

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Book Chapter: Wright, W. (2019). Language Rights and Policy in K-12 TESOL. In L. de Oliveira (Ed.). The handbook of TESOL in k-12 (pp.55-68). John Wiley & Sons.
  2. Article: Menken, & Sánchez, M. T. (Maite). (2019). Translanguaging in English‐Only Schools: From Pedagogy to Stance in the Disruption of Monolingual Policies and Practices. TESOL Quarterly, 53(3), 741–767.

Class Session 14: Tuesday, October 13th
Challenging Prevailing Assumptions About Language

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Article: García, Flores, N., Seltzer, K., Wei, L., Otheguy, R., & Rosa, J. (2021). Rejecting abyssal thinking in the language and education of racialized bilinguals: A manifesto. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 18(3), 203–228. 


Class Session 15: Tuesday, October 18th

In-class midterm exam on content from sessions 1-14.


Class Session 16: Tuesday, October 20th
Translanguaging Pedagogy in Elementary School, Middle School, and High School

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Select one of the following:

  1. (Elementary School) Book Chapter: Morell, Z., & López, D (2021). Translanguaging and emergent literacy in early childhood education. In CUNY-New York State Initiative on Emergent Bilinguals (Ed.), Translanguaging and transformative teaching for emergent bilingual students: lessons from the CUNY-NYSIEB Project. (pp. 149-170). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
  2. (Middle School) Article: Radke, Vogel, S. E., Ma, J. Y., Hoadley, C., & Ascenzi-Moreno, L. (2022). Emergent Bilingual Middle Schoolers’ Syncretic Reasoning in Statistical Modeling. Teachers College Record (1970), 124(5), 206–228.
  3. (High School) Article: Cati V. de los Ríos, & Kate Seltzer. (2017). Translanguaging, Coloniality, and English Classrooms: An Exploration of Two Bicoastal Urban Classrooms. Research in the Teaching of English, 52(1), 55–76.

Class Session 17: Thursday, October 25th
Translanguaging Design Examples

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Select one of the following:

  1. Article: Cioè‐Peña. (2022). TrUDL, A Path to Full Inclusion: The Intersectional Possibilities of Translanguaging and Universal Design for Learning. TESOL Quarterly, 56(2), 799–812.
  2. Book chapter: Kleyn, T., & García, O. (2019). Translanguaging as an act of transformation: Restructuring teaching and learning for emergent bilingual students. In L. de Oliveira (Ed.). The handbook of TESOL in k-12 (pp. 69-82). John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated.


Class Session 18: Thursday, October 27th
Family-School Partnerships and Community Education

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Book Chapter: Sonnenschein, & Sawyer, B. E. (2018). Academic Socialization of Young Black and Latino Children: Building on Family Strengths. Springer International Publishing AG.
    • “Toward Improving the Educational Opportunities for Black and Latinx Young Children: Strengthening Family-School Partnerships” by Angélica Montoya-Ávila, Nardos Ghebreab, and Claudia Galindo
  2. Book chapter: Makar. (2018). Building Communities through Bilingual Education: The Case of Asociación Tepeyac de New York. In Bilingual Community Education and Multilingualism (pp. 45–59). Multilingual Matters.
    • “Building Communities through Bilingual Education: The Case of Asociación Tepeyac de New York by Carmina Makar

Class Session 19: Thursday, November 1st
Latinx Children’s Experiences with Religion

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Book chapter (“Family, School, and Church”): Pantoja. (2005). Religion and Education among Latinos in New York City. BRILL
  2. Book chapter: Chen, C., & Jeung, R. (Eds.). (2012). Sustaining faith traditions : Race, ethnicity, and religion among the latino and asian american second generation. New York University Press.
    1. “Second Generation Latin@ Faith Institutions and Identity Formations” by Milagros Peña and Edwin I. Hernández

Class Session 20: Tuesday, November 3rd
Caribbean Immigrant Families on School Choice

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Master’s Thesis for the Graduate Center, CUNY – James, K. T., “Caribbean Immigrant Parents and Elementary School Choice in New York City” (2022). CUNY Academic Works.

Class Session 21: Tuesday, November 8th
RESEARCH WORKSHOP (Library Room 120) with Prof. Evans

Class Session 22: Thursday, November 10th
Reading Response Paper #2 Due
(On Blackboard TurnItIn by 9 am)

Text to Engage Before Class:

  1. Report: Read the following quick report from the National Research Center on Hispanic Children and Families: The Rate of Children Without Health Insurance Is Rising, Particularly among Latino Children of Immigrant Parents and White Children
  2. News Article: The City“1 in Every 200 NYC Children Have Lost a Parent or Caregiver to COVID. That’s Almost Twice the National Rate” by Fazil Khan
  3. Article: Zerrate, VanBronkhorst, S. B., Klotz, J., Caraballo, A. A., Canino, G., Bird, H. R., & Duarte, C. S. (2022). Espiritismo and Santeria: a gateway to child mental health services among Puerto Rican families? Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 16(1), 3–3.

In-class Text:

Brooklyn Health Map


Class Session 23: Thursday, November 15th
(There is no in-person class today)

Select one curriculum sample to review and post on our module for online discussion:

  1. NYC DOE Department of Social Studies: Hidden Voices: LGBTQ+ Stories in United States History (read the introduction)
  2. Excerpt lessons from Teaching About Gender Diversity: Teacher-Tested Plans for K-12 Classrooms (in class)
  3. Chapter 6 on Curriculum Modifications here: Espana, Carla, “Escribiendo para desahogarme: Release and Resistance in a Middle School Bilingual Writing Workshop” (2017). CUNY Academic Works.
  4. NYC DOE: Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education in K-12 Science

Class Session 24: Tuesday, November 17th
Curriculum and Racism

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Book Chapter (“Curriculum and Racism”): Leonardo, & Grubb, W. N. (2014). Education and racism : a primer on issues and dilemmas. Routledge.

Class Session 25: Tuesday, November 22nd
Culturally Relevant Education and Racism

Text to Engage Before Class:

  1. Book Chapter : Leonardo, & Grubb, W. N. (2014). Education and racism : a primer on issues and dilemmas. Routledge.
    1. “Culturally Relevant Education and Racism”
  2. Book chapters: Literacy Is Liberation: Working Toward Justice Through Culturally Relevant Teaching by Kimberly N. Parker (2022)
  3. “Starting with Ourselves: Why Culturally Relevant Literature Instruction Begins with Us First” and “Digging Deeper into Culturally Relevant Pedagogy”

Class Session 26: Thursday, November 29th
Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Article: Paris, & Alim, H. S. (2014). What Are We Seeking to Sustain Through Culturally Sustaining Pedagogy? A Loving Critique Forward. Harvard Educational Review, 84(1), 85–100.
  2. Education Week Interview with Django Paris and H.Samy Alim

In-Class Texts:

  1. Toolkit: NYU Metro Center Culturally Responsive Curriculum Scorecard
  2. NYC and NYS Curriculum Frameworks to Review


Class Session 27: Tuesday, December 1st
Latinx Children’s Literature as Resistance

Texts to Engage Before Class:

  1. Article: García. (2018). En(countering) YA: Young Lords, shadowshapers, and the longings and possibilities of Latinx young adult literature. Latino Studies, 16(2), 230–249.
  2. Girlhood in Latina/o/x Children’s and Young Adult Literature” by Sonia Alejandra Rodríguez 
  3. Book chapter (shared in class on 11/29): Herrera, L. Y., España, C. (2021). Critical translanguaging literacies and Latinx children’s literature: A space for a transformative and liberating pedagogy. In M. T. Sánchez and O. García (Eds.) Transformative translanguaging espacios: Latinx students and their teachers rompiendo fronteras sin miedo. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Class Session 28: Thursday, December 6th
Book Club Session One

Texts to Engage Before Class:

Select one or more of the following texts (provided in class on 12/1):

Picture Books:

  1. Mango, Abuela, and me by Meg Medina, illustrated by Angela Dominguez
  2. Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Christian Robinson
  3. Milo Imagines the World by Matt de la Peña, illustrated by Christian Robinson
  4. Octopus Stew by Eric Velasquez
  5. Radiant Child by Javaka Steptoe
  6. The Day You Begin by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by Rafael López
  7. Alejandría Fights Back! / La lucha de Alejandria by Leticia Hernández-Linares and the Rise Home Stories Project, illustrated by Rob Liu-Trujillo

Middle Grade:

  1. Sofía Acosta Makes a Scene by Emma Otheguy
  2. The Revolution of Evelyn Serrano by Sonia Manzano
  3. Tight by Torrey Maldonado

Young Adult:

  1. The Poet X by Elizabeth Acevedo
  2. When We Make It by Elisabet Velasquez
  3. Shadowshaper by Daniel José Older


  1. A cup of water under my bed: a memoir by Daisy Hernández
  2. The Undocumented Americans by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio
  3. Children of the Land by Marcelo Hernández Castillo

Class Session 29: Thursday, December 8th
Book Club Session Two

Continue reading from your book selection(s) to prepare for your discussion with the book club.


Class Session 30: Thursday, December 13th
Final Research Paper & Curriculum Action Plan Presentations